Advisory board

Uli Gräbener (Dipl. Biol.; MBA)

Sascha Mueller-Kraenner (Biology, Public Law, Philosophy)



Josiane Lowe (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management)

(Tel. +49-3334-657287;



Team meeting end of 2015

Researchers (staff and consultants)

Responsible for the topic areas of FOREST and EFFECTIVENESS


Jeanette Blumröder (B.Sc. Biology; M.Sc. Global Change Management): Glassy forest project ("Gläserner Forst"); ECOSEFFECT, Evaluation of FSC effectiveness (Russia);  Evaluation of RSPO and ISCC standards (Malaysia):


Responsible for MARISCO application and development


Axel Schick (Dipl. Biol.): Peru representative of the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Managemen:


Responsible for sustainable land use


Dr. Michael Spies (M.Sc. Geography): eAGROFORST - Food security and livelihood improvement through agroforestry in Central Asia:

Angela Dichte (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management): MiraApp activities; formerly: project coordination of  Eine Uni – ein Buch; project assistance in: Participatory and ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in the County of Barnim – Landscape Planning as a Communication and Development Process; currently: project coordination of DAAD East-West-Dialog projects together with partners from Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania


Antonia Diel (M.Sc. Global Change Management): Participatory and ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in the County of Barnim – Landscape Planning as a Communication and Development Process


Dr. Juliane Geyer (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management; M.Sc. International Nature Conservation)


Monika Hoffmann (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management; M.Sc. Forest Information Technology): GIS activities; involved in research activities on Roadless Areas


Judith Kloiber (Dipl. oec. troph.): Project Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves


Dr. Stefan Kreft (Dipl. Biol.): formerly: Adaptation of nature conservation to climate change in Brandenburg;  Baekdu-daegan - Korea; Ecosystem-based sustainable development in the MEKOP region (Mountain Ecosystems of the Korean Peninsula) ; currently: lecturer at the Chair for Nature Conservation; involved in research activities on Roadless Areas


Kevin Mack (cand. M.Sc. Global Change Management): Project Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves

Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves


Maren Michaelsen: Participatory and ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in the County of Barnim – Landscape Planning as a Communication and Development Process


Lena Strixner (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management): formerly Adaptation of nature conservation to climate change in Brandenburg; Cooperative Transboundary Learning for Ecosystem Management; project development


Marcus Waldherr (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management; M.Sc. Global Change Management): Beech projects


PhD and doctoral candidates


Katharina Lüdicke (M.Sc. Global Change Management)

  • Topic: Thermodynamics of orest ecosystems
  • Supervisors: Professor P L Ibisch and Dr Peter Hobson
  • Start: 2015


Axel Schick (Dipl. Biol.)

  • Topic: Ecosystem-based and participative conservation planning and management as basis for sustainable development in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous) world
  • Supervisors: Professor P L Ibisch and Professor S Porembski (Rostock University)
  • Start: 2013


Jeanette Blumröder (B.Sc. Biology; M.Sc. Global Change Management)

  • Topic: Ecosystem functionality: Assessing the ecological effectiveness of strategic sustainability standards and forest management
  • Supervisors: Professor P L Ibisch and Professor S Porembski (Rostock University)
  • Start: 2017


Affiliated professionals

Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger (B.Sc. Biology; M.Sc. International Nature Conservation)

  • Senior researcher, ZEF - Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn

Christoph Nowicki (Dipl. Biol.)

  • Lecturer in conservation, Coordination & development, Faculty of Forest and Environment

Anja Krause (Dipl. Landscape Architecture; M.Sc. Global Change Management)


Lars Schmidt (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management; M.Sc. Global Change Management)

  • Lecturer in conservation, Faculty of Forest and Environment
  • Freelance consultant - Independent advisory services in: Forest Mitigation (REDD+), Sustainable Forest Management, Adaptive Conservation Management, Project Development and Coordination


Sara Silva de Oliveira (Economy; MSc. Global Change Management)

  • MARISCO-related activities with GIZ in Brazil)

Former member of advisory board

Ilke Tilders (M.Sc. in Environmental Management, BBA in Hotel Management)


Former senior collaborator

Martin Hollands - Senior Advisor


  • Environmental consultant and Director of the Cambridge Centre for Conservation Policy
  • Former Deputy Director of Fauna & Flora International and WWF program manager

Former doctoral students


Dr. Verónica Chavez

  • Topic: Adaptive conservation planning for protected areas in Bolivia
  • Supervisors: Professor P L Ibisch and Professor G Gerold (Göttingen University)
  • Start: 2009-2014


Dr. Juliane Geyer (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management; M.Sc. International Nature Conservation)


Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger (B.Sc. Biology; M.Sc. International Nature Conservation)


Now with: ZEF, Bonn: Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Management



Dr. Catherine Norris (BSc Geography; MSc Conservation Management)


  • Topic: Indicators of thermodynamic efficiency of ecosystems (with case studies in UK, Germany and Ukraine)
  • Writtle College PhD scholarship
  • Supervisors: Dr P R Hobson and Professor P L Ibisch
  • 2009-2013


Gideon Spanjar, PhD (MA in Landscape Architecture)

  • Topic: Ecosystem services of green spaces in urban landscapes (case study in Netherlands)
  • Writtle College PhD programme
  • Supervisors: Dr P R Hobson and Dr S Mosler
  • 2011-2014


Centre for Econics and

Ecosystem Management

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Faculty of Forest and Environment

Alfred-Möller-Str. 1
D-16225 Eberswalde

+49 3334 657-178 - pibisch[a]

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